5 steps to position yourself online – you can watch the recording here

I held a webinar for the first time in July, and the topic was search engine optimization and how to position yourself online.

In the webinar on how to position yourself online, we went through how you can:

  • Drive targeted marketing.
  • Get a professional website.
  • get higher up in search results with targeted SEO.
  • Take care of your digital reputation and handle negative online feedback.

Several people have contacted us and asked if we have a recording since they did not have the opportunity to join the live broadcast, and here you can watch the entire webinar (Fast forward to about 3:45 to skip the intro before the webinar begins):

Updated version for March 2016: https://www.youtube.com/live/GvmKoLyjwvw?si=GXwI4lVxsnOk1pBg


Read more about how to improve your website or how to get more visitors.

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The Eco-Lighthouse Foundation

Last fall, we were given the fun task of combining existing graphics with a new slogan for the Eco-Lighthouse Foundation’s reusable bag.


15 things mentally strong people don’t do

Sooner or later in life, you will need all your mental strength. Train your brain to think differently and replace bad thoughts with good ones. Good habits aren’t enough – you need to get rid of the bad ones too.