New website for welding company

Many thanks to Innlandet sveis og hydraulikk for the assignment with a new website. New design, new pictures and new video are in place

Innlandet Welding and Hydraulics specializes in repair, maintenance and hydraulics. They have a workshop at Dokka, and also travel out to customers.

You can find the website here

At the same time as working on the new website, both video and photos were taken.

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Thor’s Ready Dinner

Thank you for the assignment with website, graphic material and video production for Thors Klar Middag.


What are HDR images?

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, which means that there is a much greater range of colors than in a regular jpg image. In other words, you get more opportunities to find details in light and dark areas.

15 things mentally strong people don’t do

Sooner or later in life, you will need all your mental strength. Train your brain to think differently and replace bad thoughts with good ones. Good habits aren’t enough – you need to get rid of the bad ones too.