Drone mapping – Reiertsen Riskconsult

Many thanks to Dronekartlegging.no for the website assignment! It was also great fun to gain more in-depth knowledge about the possibilities offered by drones.

Dronekartlegging.no provides professional drone services for data capture of properties, buildings and facilities. 3D models for inspection of buildings and infrastructure with professional inspection tools.

Are you curious about what's possible for your business?

Get in touch for chat about opportunities, tips and advice. No obligations.


Strategisk Ruteplan AS

We have created a new logo and new business cards for Strategisk Ruteplan AS. In addition, Kristine has created several public transport maps, including Tønsberg, Trondheim, Oslo, Kristiansand and Bergen.


Company blog

Whatever the size of your business, you can benefit from blogging for business.