Drone mapping – Reiertsen Riskconsult

Many thanks to Dronekartlegging.no for the website assignment! It was also great fun to gain more in-depth knowledge about the possibilities offered by drones.

Dronekartlegging.no provides professional drone services for data capture of properties, buildings and facilities. 3D models for inspection of buildings and infrastructure with professional inspection tools.

Are you curious about what's possible for your business?

Get in touch for chat about opportunities, tips and advice. No obligations.


Homepage for Kjells awnings

In the period 2019-2022, Kristine worked at Kjells markiser, and had all the development of the websites. Worked a lot with SEO and user-friendly design.


GDPR – how does it affect your business?

On May 25, 2018, the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force, bringing with it new responsibilities for all companies that have access to personal data within the EU. What does this mean for your business?