No, I don’t need a website, do I?

Have you often said no to websites and that you don't need to be available online? Then you could be missing out on a lot of customers.

The question you should ask yourself is: Can you afford not to?

I sometimes talk to business leaders who say they don’t need a website, don’t want to update the old one, or say they don’t need a professional to take care of the job. This is often justified with the following arguments:

1) Our existing customers are familiar with our website, we do not need to update it.

I understand that it’s an important principle that customers should recognize themselves. But that doesn’t mean the world stands still. Our needs, preferences, designs and what works at any given time are constantly changing. There’s no reason why your customers shouldn’t recognize you even if you have a modern design and new functionality on your site. If it’s been a few years since the last update, there’s a good chance that the site hasn’t been adapted for mobile and tablet devices. A modern design will tell your customers that you believe in the future, the products you sell and your company. As well as retaining your old customers, you want to attract new ones too, right?

2) No, it’s not necessary, we don’t have that many visitors/will not have that many visitors.

If you’re not getting many visitors to your website, isn’t that reason enough to do something about it? More than 200 million searches are carried out every day via Google – and chances are that potential customers are searching for what you offer. There’s a lot you can do to attract new visitors and new customers. You can have useful content and a user-friendly website where customers can immediately find the information they need. And not least – can your customers find your website? A search engine friendly website can be worth its weight in gold.

3) No, I can just do it myself / I know someone who knows a bit

In many areas of life, we make use of professionals. For example, electricians, carpenters, lawyers or doctors. It’s not without reason that we educate ourselves in different subjects so that we can gain expertise in what we do. Web design and online marketing are no exception. If you spend a lot of time creating a half-baked solution yourself, you may find that none of the text, programming or design hits your target audience, or that the site is not visible in search engines – where competition is fierce. This is where a professional will have valuable knowledge and advice. An investment in well-executed work can quickly pay off.

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Choice of platform

The vast majority of companies have active social media channels today. And many ask us how many channels they need to be present on.