We thank you so much for the assignment.
Hundremeterskogen kindergarten
Hundremeterskogen kindergarten has a strong focus on outdoor life, so when they needed a new logo and website, they wanted a minimalist design that conveyed these values.
We thank you so much for the assignment.
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Hundremeterskogen kindergarten has a strong focus on outdoor life, so when they needed a new logo and website, they wanted a minimalist design that conveyed these values.
In the period 2019-2022, Kristine worked at Kjells markiser, and had all the development of the websites. Worked a lot with SEO and user-friendly design.
The vast majority of companies have active social media channels today. And many ask us how many channels they need to be present on.
Get more customers and more visits to your website. Here are three specific tips on what you can do to get more visits to your website.
The website, the content, the strategy and the technical setup – everything should lead to getting more customers to buy from you.
Strategic work can take your business to new heights – and that’s what Sveum Design does.