Starting up for the second time

News article in OA: Kristine (37) has started her own business for the second time. So nice that Oppland Arbeiderblad wanted to write a story about Sveum Design starting up again.

The article was published on 20.03.23 on the online newspaper, and can be read in full here: Kristine (37) has started her own business for the second time (PDF)

Kristine har startet for seg selv

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Homepage for Kjells awnings

In the period 2019-2022, Kristine worked at Kjells markiser, and had all the development of the websites. Worked a lot with SEO and user-friendly design.

Homepage for Markisemannen

During the period 2019-2022, Kristine was responsible for Markisemannen’s website, including layout, design and technical development.


What are HDR images?

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, which means that there is a much greater range of colors than in a regular jpg image. In other words, you get more opportunities to find details in light and dark areas.