
Get video help, whether it's for use as a commercial or other occasions. I edit video for you.

If you need help with cutting video, adding text, adding voice over or similar, I can help you. I have the possibility of simple video production. I have a drone license and insurance. You can therefore safely order photo or video with a drone. Video is great for both advertising and relationship building with your customers. The combination of both sound and image provides a good insight into your company and a great way for customers to get to know you. I help customers with editing, filming and drone filming. UGC content is also increasingly popular among many companies. Videos are created as if it were an ordinary person filming for their friends, giving a unique closeness to customers. Below are some examples of our previous work in video and video editing.

Advertising with video?

You can use video as advertising in social media or in Google’s advertising system via YouTube. Feel free to ask me for help.