What is a landing page?

A landing page is the page you arrive at when you click on an ad or search result in a search engine.

But what makes a good landing page?

The most important thing is that visitors receive content that is relevant to the ad or link they have clicked on, without too many distractions. Landing pages are often used to shorten the customer’s buying process and therefore often present specific information related to a campaign or product. The landing page should also be as similar as possible to the company’s main page so that the customer immediately understands that the page belongs to your company. If the landing page is different from your company’s website, your potential customers may feel unsafe or insecure. Therefore, be clear about who you are and what you sell.

Straight to the point

A good landing page contains short and concise information, so the landing page should not contain too much unnecessary text. It’s important to get straight to the point and present content that the reader is looking for so that they want to read on.

Clear and simple.

A good landing page should convert sales, so think carefully about which products you want to highlight, what you want to achieve with your page and how your page shortens the buying process for the customer. If the customer doesn’t get the information they’re looking for or can’t buy your products easily, many of your potential customers will leave. If you don’t have a single sales product but want customers to contact you, you must ensure that your contact forms comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It’s best to only have a phone number or email address that the customer can contact the company on, instead of having a form where the customer enters their details. Would you like to know what Sveum Design can do for you? Feel free to get in touch.

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Homepage of Wilt botanical

Thank you for the assignment and trust with the new website! Wilt botanisk has an exciting product range with handmade botanical design.

Strategisk Ruteplan AS

We have created a new logo and new business cards for Strategisk Ruteplan AS. In addition, Kristine has created several public transport maps, including Tønsberg, Trondheim, Oslo, Kristiansand and Bergen.


GDPR – how does it affect your business?

On May 25, 2018, the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force, bringing with it new responsibilities for all companies that have access to personal data within the EU. What does this mean for your business?