What is CMS?

A CMS system is simply a system for keeping track of content, mostly used in connection with websites.

A content management system (CMS), or publishing solution in Norwegian, deals with the development, publishing, maintenance and editing of content on websites. An example of a CMS system is WordrPress, which manages content, design and functionality, and this is linked to a database. In comparison, in the past, a website was coded manually using HTML and CSS, and text and content were written directly into the HTML files. The files were then uploaded to the web hotel via FTP. In other words, there was no system or framework that provided a user-friendly way of working with the pages. The publishing solution / CMS contains tools for creating, structuring and presenting the web pages.

The benefits of CMS are many:

  1. Faster renewal of content
  2. better consistency and structure
  3. improving navigation
  4. increased flexibility
  5. support for decentralized authors
  6. increased security
  7. reduces duplicate information (duplication of content pages)
  8. greater capacity for growth
  9. reduced maintenance costs

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